Then and Now with Hugo: His Growth at Piece by Piece

In 2010, Hugo discovered Piece by Piece through his social worker, who had learned about the program from Piece by Piece’s founder, Sophie. Intrigued, he joined the classes in our Skid Row location and eventually transitioned to a more full-time role at our current location after a few months. Over the course of four years, Hugo diligently acquired certificates in cutting, grouting, and design/adamento. This paved the way for him to contribute to the small commissions team, marking the beginning of his mosaic journey.

Eventually, Hugo began to work on some l projects. Looking back, Hugo's favorite projects were the Villas at Grover, a significant large-scale endeavor that he fondly remembers alongside the Entangled Bank. In a previous interview, Hugo shared insights into his mosaic art creation process and expressed what being part of Piece by Piece meant to him. Today, we talked with him to see what has changed over the years and how he has grown as an artist and person.

Regarding his artistic style, Hugo noted, "I used to like geometric, and that is still true." Although he continues to favor cutting in straight lines, he has embraced the use of a glass scorer, allowing him to incorporate more curves and intricate designs, as exemplified in his Adventurous Deer piece. Combining various cutting tools, Hugo enjoys crafting dynamic and engaging designs. His current focus is on incorporating different materials into a single piece, a challenging task that requires varied cutting tools and techniques for each part.

He acknowledges that making the art flow seamlessly is now more challenging but relishes the learning process. Hugo's next artistic venture involves exploring pique assiette, a mosaic form that utilizes broken plates, pots, vases, and irregular shapes to create unique pieces.

Previously, Hugo aimed to learn as many techniques as possible and master them gradually. His current goal is to emulate artists like Jose and Luz, who expertly utilize every piece of material. "Jose and Luz are an inspiration for me, and it's my goal to become more like them," Hugo shared, highlighting his commitment to continuous improvement and the pursuit of excellence in mosaic art.

Discover more of Hugo's mosaic creations by visiting his portfolio on the Piece by Piece website. If you're interested in commissioning unique pieces for your space, Hugo, along with our other skilled artists, is available for both small and large projects. Contact us to discuss personalized mosaic artworks that blend artistry and craftsmanship into your environment!

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