John M.

Mosaic Artist

"Slow motion beats no motion."

Any personal information you want to share?
Just glad to be part of Piece by Piece!

Where are you from? Where do you live now?
Born, raised and still live in Los Angeles. I spent every summer of my childhood on my grandfather's farm in Thermal, CA.

Tell us about your family.
I have 3 children. My son lives in Bradenton, FL. MY 2 daughters live locally.

Tell us about past work/school or other meaningful experiences.
Spent many years as a Certified General Real Estate Appraiser. Graduated from USC and worked in Show Business.

What is something you are proud of?
My growth as an artist with Piece by Piece.

When did you first come to Piece by Piece?
Seven years ago.

How have you grown as a person and artist since joining Piece by Piece?
I've become "me again" after recovering from several spinal surgeries. This is the best psychological therapy I could ever have asked for.

When did you start creating mosaics? (approx. year)

How did you first hear about Piece by Piece?
Star Apartments.

What has Piece by Piece and creating mosaics added to your life?

Who inspires you?
All whom I encounter.

What project have you enjoyed most? And why?
Many great choices, I've enjoyed all my experiences here.

What are you most proud of from your PxP time so far?
The skill level I've attained.

Large-Scale Projects

John M. has been involved in the following projects with Piece by Piece