Piece by Piece Stories

The most up to date information on what Piece by Piece is up to. Get updates on classes, artists, upcoming projects, and more.

  • Artists working on mosaics at a Piece by Piece workshop.

    Bringing Order to Joyful Chaos

    Kelley Knickerbocker returned to Piece by Piece to work with participant artists to practice using a variety of materials, creating a piece that flowed from a quiet, regular layout to having a more vibrant energy.
  • A mosaic portrait of Sidney Poitier

    Visiting Artist Monica Currie-Johnson Teaches Portraiture

    Creating a portrait is one of the most difficult projects an artist can attempt. In mosaic, the challenge is being able to create the soft nuances of shading and subtle details that make a face unique. “The students were at first a little intimidated by the thought of doing a portrait, but once the colors were chosen, many embraced the process and did a wonderful, expressive mosaic portrait,” said Monica.