Any personal information you want to share?
I love animals, the ocean, and and Piece by Piece.
Where are you from? Where do you live now?
I am from Wisconsin, I live in Downtown LA for now.
Tell us about your family.
I have a sister and brother that live in Colorado and 7 nieces and nephew
Tell us about past work/school or other meaningful experiences.
I've finished college in my 40s with a degree in Anthropology. I have a passion for the elderly. I worked as a CNA and it's a shame how we treat the elderly and mentally ill in this town. I am a born again Christian since 1972. I love to travel.
What is something you are proud of?
I think I'm proudest of being a CNA. It was something I never thought I could do because of having low self-esteem.
When did you first come to Piece by Piece?
I believe it was sometime in 2018.
How have you grown as a person and artist since joining Piece by Piece?
My patience and understanding have grown in understanding that we are all broken people and that loving your newborn and fellow man no matter their attitude or lifestyles.
When did you start creating mosaics? (approx. year)
How did you first hear about Piece by Piece?
Joshua House clinic.
What has Piece by Piece and creating mosaics added to your life?
They have changed my perspective on so many thing with their kindness. Teaching us how to express ourselves there really are no words for that other than they and the other artists are my family and I would do anything for them. EVERYONE brings something to the table from Dawn, Gale, Bea, Betty, Luz ,Hilda, June, James, Jose,Victor, Robbie, Jean, Ellen, Angelica. We are just one eclectic family.
Who inspires you?
My friend Vanessa who has sacrificed everything for her children and still has the spirit of faith.
What project have you enjoyed most? And why?
Would have to say the Phoenix Rising piece. It was a beautiful piece and the indomitable patience and trust of those artists that had much more experience like Jose and Hilda, who makes me laugh, and Angelica who smiles, and Victor and Luz who are like a mother to us all, and June who is a good friend and encourages us all. Like I said we are an eclectic family — everyone helps everyone.
What are you most proud of from your PxP time so far?
That I am part of a team.