Art. Community. Collaboration.
Laura Letchinger is a self-taught artist who makes large contemporary abstract paintings in her studio in Los Angeles. She takes inspiration from the intersection of nature and urban life, with a style that often blends elements of abstract expressionism, graffiti and street art. Piece by Piece is a nonprofit social enterprise that empowers Los Angeles residents who have experienced homelessness or economic insecurity by providing free mosaic art workshops enabling them to build confidence, earn supplementary income, promote wellness and an improved quality of life.
In her upcoming show “Moment to Moment”, Laura will be exhibiting over 20 paintings, most of which is new work, and she has once again invited Piece by Piece to display mosaics as her Special Guest. This is their second show together, and they have also collaborated on artworks in the past, including Fly Mosaic and Fresh. Laura has also taught workshops at Piece by Piece. They share a common attraction to creativity, art, and community.
Photos: Laura with Piece by Piece artist John, and leading a workshop
at Piece by Piece.
While not unheard of, you don’t often see mosaics and paint combined into fine art pieces, something Laura and Piece by Piece do together, relying on their respective skills to create something beautiful and unique. Whether their work is collaborative in one piece of art or separate pieces that are shown together, as it will be in “Moment to Moment”, you can see the beauty of their work and the power of the partnership. They share in the belief of the transformative and healing power of art.
A supporter and promoter of Piece by Piece for some time now, Laura is deeply inspired by the art Piece by Piece artists create, and shares the organization’s mission with her network to encourage others to support its important work. In an interview with VoyageLA Laura shared, “ I am continually encouraged by the growing ways artists are using their talents to help create needed and sustainable change.” It is clear she is using her talents to shine a light on this unique social enterprise. For more information on Laura, the “Moment to Moment” show or to view her work, including both commercial and residential installations, please see her website. Visit Piece by Piece to shop for mosaics made by their community of artists and to learn more about how they bring their mission to life.
Photos: Laura with Piece by Piece artists with their paintings from a workshop.
Please join both Laura and Piece by Piece on Saturday, December 3rd, 6-9pm, for the opening reception of “Moment to Moment” at the innovative and like-minded Loiter Galleries: “Established in 2018, Loiter Galleries’ mission is to support local underserved artists by providing affordable gallery space, promotion, and general support even during the most challenging of times. We also serve the business community and our Long Beach neighborhoods by filling vacant store fronts with art and optimism.” Loiter Galleries can be found in their new space at 425 The Promenade North, Long Beach, CA, 90802 (free 2 hour parking in adjacent lots).