Inspiration & Creativity Series Kicks Off With Zentangles
Piece by Piece has a new addition to our program - The Inspiration & Creativity Series. This new workshop series infuses a variety of other mediums, including watercolor, collage, photography, and drawing. Based on input from participants during the end of year survey, there was an interest in exploring other modes of creativity to inspire and motivate artists.
As part of this new series, instructor Bea Jones led the group in making Zentangles, a type of design using a collection of patterns. The participants had been introduced to the style by instructor Betty Rosen during the pandemic and several artists embraced the unique doodle exercises. The process is meditative and relaxing, and has been known to increase self-confidence, relieve stress, and improve eye-hand coordination, as well as foster creativity.
In Bea’s workshop, participant artists watched a series of videos and tried their hands at creating patterns on a small scale level. Some artists added color to their designs and planned to create mosaic pieces based on their designs. We will share the mosaics these designs inspire in a future blog post.