Meet Sidney: Piece by Piece Mosaic Artist

We are delighted to introduce Sidney, an incredibly talented mosaic artist who has joined our program here at Piece by Piece. We had the opportunity to delve into Sidney's journey as an artist, his experiences working in our program, and the transformative power of art in fostering hope and resilience. As a veteran, Sidney's unique perspective and resilience shine through his artwork, making him a true inspiration for the entire community.

How did you hear about Piece by Piece?
I heard about Piece by Piece through Dawn and Bea, who were at a Metro veteran event. They told me about the program we have here, and I was interested because it offered an opportunity to expand my learning and pursue my interest in art.

Have you tried Mosaic before joining Piece by Piece?
Before joining Piece by Piece, I had some experience with mosaic art. I worked on a chess board with a group of veterans, but it was just a side project. In the past, I had worked with pottery, ceramics, and watercolors in a veterans housing unit where I participated in an art therapy program. I also taught in local schools and volunteered at A Place Called Home. So, I have experience in different art forms, but mosaic art was new to me.

Sidney Mosaic Artist

What has been your favorite project so far?
My favorite project so far was the first class I joined. We made these little picture frames, and I worked on a landscape. I was pleased with the outcome. Another interesting class was the recent one about glass on glass mosaic. It was challenging because the glass pieces kept sliding around.

What materials do you prefer to work with in mosaic?
I'm open to working with any materials in mosaic art. I'm intrigued by all of it, regardless of what is used. I embrace the learning process and take on each project. For me, it's more about learning and becoming like the other participants in the program.

What keeps you coming back?
The challenge of each project and the goal to learn more are what keep me coming back. I want to become like the other artists here at Piece by Piece. I learn a lot from each individual in the program, and their contributions are instrumental in my growth. It's a collaborative effort that drives us all.

Since coming to Piece by Piece, how have you seen yourself change or grow?
Being part of Piece by Piece has helped me apply myself to the style and concept of mosaic art. I have learned that it's not a rush and that perfection isn't necessary. Mosaic art has taught me the value of time and patience. By being surrounded by fellow artists, I have witnessed some phenomenal work. Seeing the dedication others put into their pieces inspires me to work harder and invest more time into my own creations.

Do you have a particular art style you lean towards?
I tend to lean towards abstract art. It has always intrigued me, and I naturally gravitate towards it. Although I started with portraits, I realized that people didn't always want to see their imperfections. So, I shifted towards abstraction, where imperfections don't exist. It's more about capturing movement and emotion. In its imperfection, abstract art becomes perfect. I enjoy focusing on specific aspects and incorporating them into the whole piece I'm creating.

What is your goal for your artistic career?
My main goal is to continue learning. A few months ago, I was asked if I wanted to work towards selling my pieces, and initially, I declined. I wanted to gain a deeper understanding of mosaic art before pursuing that path. However, I now recognize that there is always more to learn, and I will never know everything. So, I will likely start the process of selling my artwork soon while still focusing on my ongoing learning journey.

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  • Piece By Piece, I want to thank you for allowing me the chance to develop my skills

    Sidney Tuggerson Jr on

  • Very proud of my Uncle Sidney Tuggerson and his accomplishments in the Art World. He’s a great inspiration to everyone who wants to further their talents in the Art World. Keep Raising to the Top!!!

    Dexter Kelly on

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