Piece by Piece Stories

The most up to date information on what Piece by Piece is up to. Get updates on classes, artists, upcoming projects, and more.

  • Cartoon drawings on paper.

    Unleashing Creativity: Cartoons and Drawing Workshop at Piece by Piece

    As we reflect on the July workshop, let us be reminded that art is not solely about the end result but also the journey – a journey that Julie Williams masterfully guided us through, helping us break free from self-imposed limitations and inspiring us to create fearlessly, piece by piece.
  • Two artists holding up the micro mosaics they crafted!

    Micromosaic Fun with Ellen Dinerman

    In June, Piece by Piece participants studied micromosaics, a style of mosaic using small rods of glass to create tiny figurative images. While traditional Italian micromosaics are extremely intricate, in this workshop, instructor Ellen Dinerman guided artists to create more simple designs. By starting simple, artists were able to focus on the process for their first pieces.
  • Artist working on a color wheel at a Piece by Piece workshop.

    Piece by Piece Study the Value of Color

    We started refreshing our color wisdom by creating color wheels and learning primary, secondary and tertiary colors as well as touching on value, hue and saturation. Like many mediums, the importance of contrasting colors, complementary colors and the vibrancy of color are all important factors in creating a mosaic.
  • A mosaic of a mug of yellow, blue, and red flowers.

    Recycled Materials Are the Focus for April’s Workshops

    In April, Program & Artistic Director Dawn Mendelson led a series of workshops focused on pique assiette, a form of mosaic making use of a myriad of rejected materials that have found their ultimate purpose in the hands of artists.
  • An instructor teaching a mosaic workshop at Piece by Piece.

    March Workshops Focus on Stained Glass Mosaic

    In March we were thrilled to have not one but three highly-skilled instructors share their talents and knowledge in a series of classes focusing on stained glass in mosaic. Piece by Piece receives hundreds of pounds of scrap glass, and it is a primary type of material used in our projects.
  • Artist working on a mosaic at a Piece by Piece workshop.

    Going with the Flow: Participant Artists Learn About Cutting Techniques and Andamento

    In the month of February, Piece by Piece workshops focused on andamento, a mosaic term that means the visual flow and direction of a mosaic, created by the cutting and placement of the pieces or tesserae into patterns. As an...