Piece by Piece Stories

The most up to date information on what Piece by Piece is up to. Get updates on classes, artists, upcoming projects, and more.

  • Mosaic made of shells and other found material on a blue background.

    Piece by Piece Artists Embrace Natural Materials

    This workshop also presented the opportunity to understand the special qualities of these natural materials. While some rocks and stones can be easily chipped, others require a more precise tool to shape the material. Participants tried their hand at the traditional hammer and hardie, tools dating back thousands of years to create mosaics.
  • A group of mosaics with different words: "hope" "life" "heal" and "family".

    The Power of Words - A twist on November's book theme!

    In November, artist Instructor Ellen Dinerman offered a unique take on our books theme. She challenged Piece by Piece artists in a series of workshops that studied the history and development of type and typefaces, and also examined unique techniques used to create lettering in mosaic


  • Artist working on placing mosaic flowers on a sphere at a mosaic workshop.

    September Sculpture Workshop

    Teaching artist Julie Williams led the group in the fabrication of the spheres, then shared the techniques unique to working on a 3D surface. Participants developed their own designs and then teaching artist Ellen Dinerman led the group in the mosaic fabrication part of the project.
  • Artists at a Piece by Piece workshop being instructed on new mosaic skills.

    July Classes - The Right Tool for the Job

    At Piece by Piece our classes have monthly themes that guide our workshops and broaden our larger vision of art. Each month, we take a look at all aspects of a subject and piece together ways to interpret our discoveries into mosaic. This month in our workshops and classes the artists focused on tool use.
  • A group of artists learning from an instructor during a piece by piece workshop.

    Piece by Piece Artists Get Into the Details with Micromosaic During the month of June

    Our focus in June is the intricate world of micromosaic. This month, we also started our weekly virtual inspiration workshops, led by artist instructor Ellen Dinerman. These weekly online workshops will feature different artists from time to time, bringing new...

  • Three mosaic artists working on their pieces at a workshop.

    Piece by Piece Artists Celebrate Color During the Month of May

    During the month of May, our focus was on Color Theory. Artist Instructor Ellen Dinerman, supported by artist instructor Bea Jones, led the group in studying the color wheel, then making their own version using acrylic paints. Color is an...