Piece by Piece Stories

The most up to date information on what Piece by Piece is up to. Get updates on classes, artists, upcoming projects, and more.

  • A group of mosaics with different words: "hope" "life" "heal" and "family".

    The Power of Words - A twist on November's book theme!

    In November, artist Instructor Ellen Dinerman offered a unique take on our books theme. She challenged Piece by Piece artists in a series of workshops that studied the history and development of type and typefaces, and also examined unique techniques used to create lettering in mosaic


  • Artist working on a large mosaic to honor veterans.

    My Veterans Legacy Mural Journey by Patricia Bobik Sezna 

    Piece by Piece had recently been awarded the project, so I contacted them to share my experience with the original National Veterans Mural. Once again, the timing turned out to be perfect; the workshops for the Veterans Legacy Mural project were just about to begin. I was then invited to collaborate with Piece by Piece and Metro Arts as a guest artist on the new mural - 28 years after my original involvement! 
  • A mosaic portrait of Sidney Poitier

    Visiting Artist Monica Currie-Johnson Teaches Portraiture

    Creating a portrait is one of the most difficult projects an artist can attempt. In mosaic, the challenge is being able to create the soft nuances of shading and subtle details that make a face unique. “The students were at first a little intimidated by the thought of doing a portrait, but once the colors were chosen, many embraced the process and did a wonderful, expressive mosaic portrait,” said Monica.
  • An instructor teaching a group of artists about mosaic techniques at a Piece by Piece workshop.

    Little Pieces Holiday Workshops

    Piece by Piece has launched a series of workshops for children ages 7-18. The free mosaic workshops will be held during breaks in LAUSD schedule. We have created these classes for students in our South LA community and surrounding areas.
  • A mosaic vase, frame, and necklace

    Ten reasons to shop at Piece by Piece

    When you shop at Piece by Piece you are supporting our mission and powering a small business that supports individuals who are building new futures for themselves.


  • Artist standing with in front of a mosiac of the Piece by Piece logo holding their artwork.

    Get to know Piece by Piece artist Vicki! 

    What inspires you? So many things! Just the world itself. I think that as I complete each project, I get more inspired. Each project represents my development, my achievement, and I get excited to start the next project. You can just get inspired by the process.