Piece by Piece Stories

The most up to date information on what Piece by Piece is up to. Get updates on classes, artists, upcoming projects, and more.

  • Zentangle drawings with initials

    Inspiration & Creativity Series Kicks Off With Zentangles

    Piece by Piece has a new addition to our program - The Local Visiting Artist Series. This new workshop series infuses a variety of other mediums, including watercolor, collage, photography, and drawing.
  • Mosaic made of shells and other found material on a blue background.

    Piece by Piece Artists Embrace Natural Materials

    This workshop also presented the opportunity to understand the special qualities of these natural materials. While some rocks and stones can be easily chipped, others require a more precise tool to shape the material. Participants tried their hand at the traditional hammer and hardie, tools dating back thousands of years to create mosaics.
  • Artists working on a large-scale mosaic and waving to the camera.

    New Year, New Updates!

    First off, we have added a new member to our team! Alex has been a part of Piece by Piece for almost his entire life (some say he bares a striking resemblance to our Artistic Director, Dawn Mendelson), but now he’s excited to take on an official role as our Program Assistant
  • Artist holding up his mosaic of a heart.

    Piece by Piece welcomes our newest certified artist - Hector!

    Join us in congratulating Hector for becoming Piece by Piece’s newest Certified Artist. Hector is a bright spirit who brings a layer of fun and creativity to every workshop he joins. We talked to Hector and here’s what he had to...

  • A group of artists standing in front of a large mosaic of a wavy rainbow

    Year in Review - 2022

    As we head in to 2023, we wanted to take a minute to look back at 2022, and all that was accomplished at Piece by Piece. Thank you for your ongoing support, none of this would have happened without your investment in the Piece by Piece mission.
  • Artists working on mosaics at a Piece by Piece workshop.

    Bringing Order to Joyful Chaos

    Kelley Knickerbocker returned to Piece by Piece to work with participant artists to practice using a variety of materials, creating a piece that flowed from a quiet, regular layout to having a more vibrant energy.