Welcome Amir and Marieme to Piece by Piece!

Amir Abdolvahabi is an Iranian-American born in Los Alamitos and raised in Pomona. As a passionate student of sociology, psychology, and economics, he is grateful to participate in and learn from the unique and innovative nonprofit social enterprise that is Piece by Piece. With a deep respect for the inherent dignity of the individual, Amir strives to help in building a world free of exploitation, authoritarianism, addiction, and poverty. He appreciates Piece by Piece as a rare, significant, and unique operation, motivated by the desire to uplift humanity, and views the certificate program and social enterprise aspect as unparalleled in innovativity. He respects the bravery of each artist in expressing their thoughts, feelings, and creativity through the skill-based, historically crucial art form of mosaics. As Volunteer Coordinator, he aims to recruit and retain as many volunteers as possible, while ensuring maximal efficiency in the processes of their coordination.
Marieme Dramé is a first generation Senegalese-American and was born and raised in South Los Angeles. Her love for the arts is rooted in her upbringing, where she attended performing arts schools throughout her adolescence and passionately studied dance, theater, and music. This also being a time where she witnessed massive cuts of funding from her artistic curriculum, Marieme has come to understand the importance of art in the human experience as well as its capabilities of being a catalyst for liberation. As an AmeriCorps VISTA Volunteer, Marieme now wishes to help heal and give back to the city that raised her in the best ways she knows how—through art. Serving as a B2B Marketing Coordinator for Piece by Piece, Marieme aims to amplify the voices of marginalized individuals and advocate for the expansion of their opportunities to thrive as artists. By spreading the word and raising awareness about Piece by Piece, she is committed to serving as a bridge between clients and artists, fostering prosperous and lasting relationships between the two. She hopes in doing so that artists can focus on what they are passionate about– making art.
Both Amir and Marieme are thrilled to be joining the team for their year service through AmeriCorps! As they step into their roles, they are fueled by a sense of purpose and determination, ready to tackle any challenge heads-on and create lasting, tangible benefits for Piece by Piece and the community they serve.